I moved the barn over to accommodate the pumpkins. The pumpkins have been added on the second screenshot.
I placed the toolkit between the cheese and the ketchup machine for easy access.I moved the water well out of the way in order to accommodate the cheese machine.The cheese machine has been added, notice that I placed it next to the cows so that Sara only has a short walk from the cows to the cheese machine.WEEK 5 SCREENSHOTS – SAMPLE SET-UP/REARRANGING I tightened everything up so the cows could be next to each other. I added an extra cow to keep up with the milk demands of the game.Since sheep like to eat wheat, I placed the sheep next to the wheat for easy access.For example, you know that you need the shears to cut the sheep’s wool so keep the shears as close to the sheep as possible. Keep the items close together that go with each other.I wanted to make sure that I still kept the tomatoes next to the ketchup machine.
You don’t need that many clovers since they grow pretty fast, so I reduced the clover section to only 1 part.
If you notice I got rid of one section of clovers and added the grapes instead. In this week grapes and sheep have been added. I also added 2 extra beehives to keep up with the demand. Since I’ve added more things, I now have to scroll back and forth with this set-up so I bought an extra set of crates. Notice that in the screenshot, the toolkit and the tomatoes are placed next to the ketchup machine for easy access. The ketchup machine has been added in this week. I bought 2 pest sprays so I could have one for each side. Keep the hives as far as you can so you can have enough time to get the honey without being stung. Your first instinct may be to place the hives close to the clovers but you definitely don’t want to do that. Bees are added in this week, the bees go to the clovers before they go to the beehives. Place your bags of seeds in the holes, which will make the seeds handy when you need them. It should look like a square with a hole in the middle, all pieces should be connected. The set up should look like this: three pieces of soil on top, three at the bottom, a hole in the middle and one piece of soil on each side. You can look at the screenshot to see an example of what I mean. Plan ahead, set up your soil so that you can accommodate the bags of seeds in the middle of the crop and later on for the sprinkler system. They all work, what you need to do is make sure that you have enough of the things that will help you get to your goal faster. Some people may choose to put more crops and some people may choose less. There are many ways to play this game and set-up your farm, these are just suggestions that worked for me. The pest sprays do not take too much space so they will not interfere too much with your space availability. Buy several pest sprays and place them as close to the edge of your soil as possible. Buy more than one set of crates so when Sara is on each side of the farm she can grab a crate without having to walk to the opposite side of the field. Place the wells on opposite ends of the farm so when Sara has to water the soil she doesn’t have to go too far to get the buckets of water. As your farm grows, buy more than one water well until you get your sprinkler system. Time stops when you’re buying and placing soil so you don’t have too worry about time when you’re fixing up the farm. If you plan accordingly from the start it will be easier to fit the latest additions to your farm. By the end of the game you will be scrambling for space as more machines and animals are added. The very first thing you want to do is organize your farm and place things as close to each other as possible.